
Even Short Trips To Space Can Change An Astronaut’s Biology − A New Set Of Studies Offers The Most Comprehensive Look At Spaceflight Health Since NASA’s Twins Study

A Young Black Scientist Discovered A Pivotal Leprosy Treatment In The 1920s − But An Older Colleague Took The Credit

The Hidden Risk Of Letting AI Decide – Losing The Skills To Choose For Ourselves

US Media Coverage Of New Science Less Likely To Mention Researchers With African And East Asian Names

Alternative Proteins Are Here – The Next 30 Years Could Be Crucial For NZ’s Meat And Dairy Sectors

From The Moon’s South Pole To An Ice-Covered Ocean World, Several Exciting Space Missions Are Slated For Launch In 2024

2023’s Extreme Storms, Heat And Wildfires Broke Records – A Scientist Explains How Global Warming Fuels Climate Disasters

Oldest Human-Made Wood Structure Found In Zambia

People Of African Ancestry Are Poorly Represented In Genetic Studies. A New Effort Would Change That

Quantum Dots Are Part Of A Revolution In Engineering Atoms In Useful Ways – Nobel Prize For Chemistry Recognizes The Power Of Nanotechnology

How AI Could Take Over Elections – And Undermine Democracy