
‘The Atlantic Is Definitely On Fire’: Unusually Hot Ocean Sparks Up Early Hurricane Season

You shed DNA everywhere you go – trace samples in the water, sand and air are enough to identify who you are, raising ethical questions about privacy

Peanut Butter Is A Liquid – The Physics Of This And Other Unexpected Fluids

Every cancer is unique – why different cancers require different treatments, and how evolution drives drug resistance

Looming Behind Antibiotic Resistance Is Another Bacterial Threat – Antibiotic Tolerance

Hangry bacteria in your gut microbiome are linked to chronic disease – feeding them what they need could lead to happier cells and a healthier body

From grave robbing to giving your own body to science – a short history of where medical schools get cadavers

One Easy Way To Fight Antibiotic Resistance? Good Hand Hygiene

Many Americans wrongly assume they understand what normal blood pressure is – and that false confidence can be deadly

Making Pig Livers Humanlike In Quest To Ease Organ Shortage

3 Physicists Share Nobel Prize For Work On Quantum Science

1st Confirmed Monkeypox Fatality Reported In The US